Free Humanism

The Free World People work together from the bottom up with a conscious belief.

We know the gods and where they come from.

Gods are part of the solution of our imagination to deal with the fact of life that we cannot know everything. To talk about what we do not know, we need words either. Because of this, as languages developed, religions also did. Language is in essence a behavior we share due to what we can communicate. Through language in our imagination, we share concepts or models of reality but also about our imaginations themselves (meta-imagination or metaphysics).

It seems wherever a language started, a religion started. Not always from scratch because languages do also not always start from scratch. The shared imagination of the west (the old free world) is sourced in the Proto-Indo-European languages. It originally knew a multitude of gods and religious practices. Christianity influenced it very much. By the meta-imagination of the Middle East, sourced in the Semitic languages, the one god concept was incorporated.

One of the fundamental differences between Abrahamic and Indo-European religions is that, through personalizing one god (still a form of imagination) Abrahamic religions also introduced a divine legal concept into the western thinking. Something what benefited the new powers after the collapse of the Roman Empire.

One could argue that Christianity was used in an attempt to keep the Roman Empire together. It looks like this worked because somehow Christ mixed Semitic religion with Indo-European concepts. Probably influenced by the Greeks or Buddhism. This has been a success story. 

We should build further on this and go from one god to no god, still being conscious that we need to belief because we cannot know everything. We should forget about divine laws to go ahead as free humanity.

This philosophy, we call 'Free Humanism'.

A credo model

A credo, to help you create your own credo. Your own credo, because free people make their own choices.