The big picture

Of positive trends

We are moving to a better world because Free world people want it. Whatever ideologies and autocracies do to prevent humanity to doing so for their benefits and not for the people.

We (humans) are finished with any form of organized crime committed by state and religion actors.

Understand the workings of humanity better

We (humanity) are starting to understand the workings of language better. With the breakthrough of LLM's this will increase rapidly. And as a result, we start to understand the workings of devious actors in the humanity better.

This is an unstoppable, autonomous process.

Moving from oil to nuclear energy

Sun, wind, water, earth-thermal energy are, in fact, indirect forms of nuclear energy. Carbon is stored nuclear energy from the past. Human wealth is determined by the control over energy. That is why the quest to leaving carbon energy behind us is unavoidable.

Moving from national organized to metropolitan organized humanity

An elite always has the temptation to live a parasitic life and towards organized crime (autocracy). We as a global people recognize this parasitic tendency. We have learned our lessons. Not only that, but we know we need good public services, but we don't need 'top down' elites trending to forms of organized crime.

Leaving suppressing religions behind us

Religions are often mechanisms to suppress free people. A bigger and bigger part of humanity starts to recognize this mechanism and leave the self-interest stories behind us and write our story into the future.